A few words about him
With this web site I pretend that you know the past, present and future reality of the breed that I consider the own breed of A.G.P.: The Spanish Water Dog, and this is a right that even been inherited from his ancestors he has gained step by step with his work about the breed:
Standard, introducing the breed to the organized dogs world, working trials, writings, videos and TV. Programmes in Spain and abroad. A whole life dedicated to reivindicated this canine patrimony that was always waiting for somebody to take care about it and that person had to be A. G. P. A 95 % of all the Spanish Water Dogs of the world carries his dogs blood in any of its roots. That is why he considers himself as responsible of the going and coming of the breed anywhere one of this dogs could be.
He says he has no time to be on the web site; but as he does not have any other chance that going between into so much disorder and lies that some ones are making about the breed. Here, he offers you his no interested collaboration to help you in any problem or worries that you could have in relation with your S.W.D. If you want him to answer you quickly, you will have to call him, because all his free time, he thinks he is going to be dedicated to his dogs and not to be in front of a computer. Phone: 34-659419688. I will try to renew his web page frequently.
Well, that is all with this introduction, may be it looks like conceited or similar, it does not matter, because we are not used to lie and I have only said the truth that is also written that way.
Imagine a green field…
With sheep and a shepherd…
And together with all of them…
How not?, herding…
A Spanish Water Dog